The Vitality of ‘Just Enough’ Structure

The following is an excerpt from a newsletter published December 7th, 2023

When I think about structure, I think about:

Being held so your energy has somewhere to go.

Good structure, just enough structure, has a vitality to it.

It can:

  • Reduce the decisions you need to make so you can be more creative. Less mental energy wondering what to do next, more opening up to what's in front of you.

  • Create rhythm and routine in your week so your body knows what's next, including when to rest. (Part of why I’ve been able to stick to a bi-weekly newsletter this year is because every other Thursday my body knows what it needs to do before my mind even does. My rhythms and routines carry me, not vice versa.)

  • Facilitate momentum through small, steady, meaningful action. Try talking about, pitching, promoting, or sharing your work once a week for a few months and see what happens.

The goal of structure is to free up, direct, and protect energy.

A well structured business truly should support you and your energy. It should free you up to be more of yourself and to pursue what matters to you (inside and outside of your business).

With that in mind, consider where you might benefit from a little more structure… or where you may need to loosen.

A well structured business gives you something to open into.

What are you opening into? What's holding you as you go?

Rooting for you,

— Kate

P.S. House plants! What a beautiful example of structure! What size pot does it need? What kind of light? That's all structure… choosing a container and location that facilitates it's next stage of growth. Making sure it doesn't need to work any harder than it needs to. Do the same for you.

P.P.S. Two garage rock albums to help you shake it out. Sleep Talk (song 2 and 7!) and Slaughterhouse (song 5, 9, and 10). Between everything going on in the world and all the gunk holidays can surface for us, chances are we need a few more outlets for release.

Kate Smalley

Kate Smalley is a small business advisor, facilitator, and educator based in Toronto, Canada. She writes about growth and business development for principled, industry-shaping entrepreneurs.


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